2017 Security Predictions from the Advent IM Team

News and information from the Advent IM team.

Advent IM 2017 Security predictionsAt this time of year we like to make security predictions for the year to come.

Ho Ho Oh dear…



Mike Gillespie – Director

I predict – further growth and sophistication in phishing attacks, and as a result of these successful attacks and continuing low quality user awareness and education, an increase in the success of malware and ransomware attacks on major financial systems and the wider business eco system. I also predict that there will be more massive DDOS attacks facilitated by continuing poor security application to physical systems such as CCTV, Air Con etc and further exacerbated by a chronic failure to address IoT Security

Julia McCarron – Director

I suspect we will see a continued increase in Ransomware attacks, but more specifically here in the UK. Its claimed that already 1/5 of UK business have been hit by the attacks in 2016, mostly demanding up to £10k to unlock systems. As more and more attacks occur though we are learning more about the weaknesses in the malware, so I guess every cloud has a silver lining … of sorts.

Dave Wharton – Principal Consultant

I expect to a continuing expansion of the use of the Cloud and also have sneaky feeling a major data breach by a Central Government Dept is just around the corner.

Ellie Hurst – Marcomms & Media Manager

When I thought about this last year I saw Ransomware as a major threat to business and I cannot see any signs of this abating and so I would say the threat will grow and critical services like healthcare will increasingly be targeted. Evolved ransomware that expands, evolves and self-patches will increase and proliferate and entire supply chains can potentially be compromised by botnet armies. This could be enabled by poorly secured Internet of Things devices, sold, installed and managed without  security top of mind. Attacks using physical systems that are not part of corporate cyber security regimens make easy targets and may well be used increasingly for evolved and complex attacks that open up in the target.


Chris Cope – Security Consultant

I expect to see a lot of confusion around GDPR as the Brexit debate continues and businesses ignore the hints provided they they really do need to comply with it…

Advent IM Security Consultant

I think the whole GDPR thing is going to be incredibly slow on the uptake for many British companies who are awaiting government direction on BREXIT. This will inevitably come back to bite them as we surely won’t have left by the time 2018 gets here. Internet of Things and all the inbuilt security (or lack thereof) will surely lead to more DDoS attacks against any organisations or enterprises seen to upset any hacktivist groups.


If you are concerned about any of these areas, you should of course keep reading our blog and downloading our free content. You can also follow us on Twitter @Advent_IM  to get the latest news and opinion and if you need some flexible support with areas including but not exclusive to Data Protections/GDPR, Information or Cyber Security projects, ISO27001, get in touch with us. 0121 559 6699 or 0207 100 1124 or bestpractice@advent-im.co.uk


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