Case Studies

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Case Studies

Advent IM has been lucky enough to partner with a wide range of organisations and assist them with the implementation of best practice security. Further Case Studies are available on application.

Here are just some of those we have worked with:

Red Teaming

Red Teaming Service

My Security Manager

MySecurityManager Service

Greater Manchester Police

Data Protection

Cardinus Risk Management

ISO27001 Certification

University of the West of England

Physical Security

More case studies are available upon request.

White Papers

Access Advent IM’s library of white papers that contain key insight and expert analysis within the security industry:

Securing Digital Transformation

Overview of digital transformation, the benefits it can offer, and some guidance on how to secure your transformation programme to enable a successful outcome

Information Assurance

Managing information assurance cannot just be a tick box exercise. Your Information Assurance strategy must have the aims and objectives of the organisation front and center of its thinking.

Leading Cyber Security from the Boardroom

Understanding cyber threat has never been more important for business leaders.

The Cost of Cyber Security

What is the impact on your company’s reputation if you are unable to fulfil customer expectations for several days?

Independent Schools

It's clear that parents care a lot about their children's future… but they also care about their present; their safety and happiness and wellbeing here and now.

Protective Security

Security is always seen as an after-thought - this could have major cost implications and may limit the effectiveness of the security controls.


Threat is part of the Risk Assessment process, but often does not attract the same level of attention that it deserves.

CCTV In Schools

Does the use of CCTV in schools help to provide reassurance to pupils and their parents or is it an unacceptable intrusion into pupil privacy?

Security Within Universities

Paying huge student fees should guarantee that appropriate levels of security are inherent within the infrastructure.

Security for SME’s

Security should be an enabling tool helping businesses to move forward.

Exploring ISO/IEC 27001 Aligned Risk Methodologies

Many organisations struggle with implementing a risk management framework that is consistent with the demands of an ever-changing business.

Red Teaming in Education

Red Teaming in the Education Sector White Paper