Educational Cyber Security

Information security policy and procedure for schools and colleges.

Advent IM – providing expertise and reassurance

Advent IM – providing expertise and reassurance on Information Security policy and procedure for Schools and Colleges. As a learning establishment, the data you hold on the children under your supervision is of paramount importance and should be afforded an appropriate level of security. Too often we hear about sensitive information finding its way into the public eye and no-one wants to be at the sharp end of that publicity, especially if you are a school or college, be it state run or independent.

That’s why we have developed an audit process especially for you to identify your current security practices and ensure your data is safe. Here’s what we do and why:


  • Comprehensive review of security documentation, information systems, policies and procedures, including Data Protection and Acceptable Use
  • Interviews with key staff on effective implementation followed up by spot check discussions
  • Escorted tour of establishment to complete basic security check


  • Opportunity to fully grasp Information Security obligations
  • Ensure Data Protection compliance
  • Meet Children Act Regulations
  • Provide assurances and accountability to parents, Ofsted Inspectors and key stakeholders on Information Security
  • Meet obligations to school Governing Bodies and Local Authorities
  • Identify bespoke Information Security needs and general areas of security that need to be addressed

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Find out more about our audit process.