Cyber Security: Why Your Cat is Better at It Than You #CyberSecurityAwarenessMonth

News and information from the Advent IM team.

From Commercial Director and Cat Fanatic, Ellie Hurst

Ah, Cyber Security Awareness Month—the time of year when we’re reminded (yet again) that our digital lives are just one click away from disaster. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “It won’t happen to me. I’ve got a password that’s 12 characters long and includes my dog’s name, so I’m safe.”

Sorry, folks. You might want to sit down for this. That password of yours? It might be as secure as a soggy biscuit left out in the rain.

But fear not, dear reader! Today, we’re going to dive into the basics of cyber security with the help of a special expert: your cat. Yes, you heard me right—your feline companion might just be the role model you need to keep your digital world safe.

Lesson 1: The Art of Curiosity Killed the Cat (and Maybe Your Bank Account)

You know how your cat paws at everything with the suspicious grace of a MI5 agent? Every new object is scrutinised, poked, and stared at like it’s a potential threat. That’s exactly how you should be with links, emails, and suspicious attachments.

If you get an email promising you’ve won a free holiday to Ibiza just for clicking a link, ask yourself: “Did I enter a contest for a free holiday? Why does the email address look like it was created by someone sitting in their mum’s back bedroom?”

Just like your cat won’t trust a new piece of furniture without thoroughly inspecting it, you should treat any unexpected email or message with a healthy dose of suspicion. Hover over links, double-check senders, and remember: free cheese is only found in mousetraps.

Lesson 2: The Power of a Good Nap (or, How to Avoid Burnout)

What’s the one thing cats are excellent at? Napping. They take their downtime seriously, and you should too, especially when it comes to cyber security.

Constant vigilance can be exhausting, and in your tiredness, you might be more likely to fall for a scam. The key is to work smarter, not harder. Automate your updates, use a password manager (so you don’t end up using “fluffy123” for all your accounts), and set up two-factor authentication. This way, you can take those mental naps while your digital guard is still up.

Think of it as cyber security autopilot. Your cat doesn’t need to be awake all the time to be safe, and neither do you. Let your tech tools do some of the heavy lifting, but set them up well and don’t forget to check you are always using best practice because things can change quickly.

Lesson 3: Territory Matters (AKA Keep Your Wi-Fi to Yourself)

Cats are territorial creatures. They guard their space, and heaven help the poor mouse that wanders in uninvited. Likewise, your Wi-Fi is your digital kingdom, and you need to keep it secure. If you’re still rocking the default password your internet provider gave you, change it now. I’ll wait.

Now, don’t just settle for something like “password123″—be creative! Mix in uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. And for the love of all things Cat, don’t use “password” as your password.

Lesson 4: Keep Your Tail Down (Stay Low-Key)

Ever noticed how your cat sneaks around like a furry ninja, especially when they’re about to do something they shouldn’t? That’s stealth in action. In the cyber world, staying low-key is key to keeping yourself secure.

Be mindful of the information you share online. That oversharing habit—posting your exact location or daily routine on social media—is basically handing over the keys to your kingdom to would-be cybercriminals. Your cat doesn’t announce when they’re about to push your favourite mug off the table, or run around the house at 3am like freight train, so why announce your holiday plans to the entire internet?

Lesson 5: Curiosity Saved the Human (When It Comes to Cyber Security)

Your cat’s curiosity might get them into trouble occasionally, but in the cyber world, a bit of curiosity can actually save you. Stay curious about the latest threats, scams, and updates in the cyber world. Cyber security isn’t a “set it and forget it” situation. New threats emerge all the time, so it pays to keep learning.

Read up on the latest scams, watch out for phishing schemes, and keep your software up to date. If your cat can master the art of curiosity without blowing up your Wi-Fi router, you can stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.

Final Thought: Be More Like Your Cat

In the end, cyber security isn’t about being perfect—it’s about being cautious, vigilant, and occasionally sneaky. Channel your inner feline, be a bit suspicious of everything, and you’ll be on your way to mastering cyber security.

So, as you go about your day, remember: your cat might be better at this than you are. But with a few simple steps and a dash of curiosity, you’ll be safe, sound, and maybe even worthy of a slow blink and a furry head bump from your cute companion.

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